The first English Camp project under the Impian Banner. We had an average of 34 students daily. The Koperasi 'rented' their premise to us for the week to set up and use for our daily classes. Classes were from Monday to Friday, focusing on helping the students to gain the confidence of using the English language. The camp was supported by 3 volunteer teachers.
Arts, crafts and music were creatively incorporated to engage the students. Through these activities and interactive games, students were applying verbal and written English in a fun and meaningful way.
The graduation performance at the end of the camp became the highlight and culmination of the week of learning as the student's family members get to participate and witness the growth of their confidence in using the English language.
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Its been more than 50 years but over 200 villagers of Kg. Beriwan Kito and
Kg. Tunas Baru were still reliant on the intermittent rain for their basic water
The first project in Lun Bawang community. A Gravity-Fed Water System was built to supply clean spring water to two villages; Kg. Beriwan Kito (16 houses & 1 church) & Kg. Tunas Baru (24 houses and 1 church).
The current JKR water supply is hardly enough to supply to Lawas (complaints of murky and polluted water and even water shortage aplenty). The current pipe by JKR is connected up to Kg. Beriwan Tengah, about 2km away from Kg. Beriwan Kito. Coupled with the extra distance and lack of supply, these two kampungs stand very little chance to be connected to the JKR pipes. This was Impian
Sarawak's first foray in the Lawas area.