Monday 30 December 2013

Project Portfolio : Water Project - Kg Samparita Laut, Kota Marudu; Sabah

Project Date : 30 Nov 2013 – 8 Dec 2013(Phase 1)
                         13 Dec 2013 – 21 Dec 2013(Phase 2)    
Location       : Kg Samparita Laut, Kota Marudu; Sabah

The Dusun village is a 3-hour drive from Kota Kinabalu including an hour off-road driving. After parking the car, the villagers will have to wade across a thigh-level height river by foot. During rainy days, water-level can rise up to waist-level. This is their daily routine to go in and out of the village.

Kg Samparita has a population of more than 200 people who have no access to piped water. These villagers rely on the main river for drinking, washing, and cleaning source. In fact they don't even have toilets because the villagers said there isn't any point in having toilets if there isn't water. The average drinking water colour looks like Nescafe susu and during rainy days, with the colour turns "Nescafe kurang susu", they will collect rainwater for drinking.
With the gravity-feed water system, the villagers will be able to taste for the first time in their lives the 'privilege' of running water at their homes. The project was split into 2 phases with a total of 19 volunteers involved with the gotong-royong work.

Financial Report : Link
Photo Album      : Part 1 Part 2 Part 3


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